This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 8 You see as International House and Pet Sitters we travel around a lot and rarely get to see family and friends. We have many amazing adventures, however at times we long to catch up with old friends, go out and generally connect on a level as only good friends can. So when this challenge arrived it was time to write about today, we spent with some of our best friends. These friends have supported us and our freedom lifestyle by putting us up when we are in town, listen to our crazy plans and join us on some of our more other out-there adventures. Like today, it all started with a 16.5 kilometre hike along the beach where we saw whales and turtles and got some much needed practice for our Camino walk next year. (BTW one of these friends has decided to do it with us). Then it was back to their house where we met another friend who we have not seen for a long while and at night we were off to the Big Bush Dance. Now our friends have Grey Hounds, who we have cared for, and they are the most amazing breed of dog you could ever meet. They are all rescued from racing and make the most amazing pets, and this fundraising event was put on by an organisation, which they belong to is called friends of the hounds. A great night was had by all with dancing, bonfires, food, drink and socialising all in the company of our friendly puppies and for a great cause.
While traveling the world and having experiences is fun, the adventures I enjoy most are in the connections and relationships I have made with others and the experiences I have with them. As always feel free to express you thoughts and feelings in the comments below. Just Liven what's Given Cheers Gavin To have these blogs delivered direct hot off the press, add your email and name to the entry form top right. #10DBC #freedomplan
17/9/2016 11:06:26 pm
Wow, what a wonderful sounding adventure. We miss people while on the road as well. As much fun as it is to make new friends, sometimes the comfort of old ones is a much needed antidote. Still, they are all great adventures :)
18/9/2016 12:12:15 am
Loved reading your adventurous post. The photo of the bonfire is amazing! I keep going back to look at it--extremely captivating. Especially, the way it rises into the treeline and clouds, dusting the sky with its embers. Beautiful!
18/9/2016 05:45:12 pm
Your one lucky fella Gav - to be walking the Camino with 2 such gorgeous gals - I hope your going to carry their hairdryer for them!
21/10/2022 04:58:11 am
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