The strangest and most unwelcome bedfellows I have ever encountered have been fleas, but more about that another time. However these guys here made the most amusing bedfellows, literally sleeping all night on the roof of their car, parked next to our campervan. I have been asked what I miss most about not having my own home and all my own stuff, and I would have to say the only thing I really miss, at times, is my own bed and pillow. The variations in the type of beds I have slept in over the years of travel, have been extensive. Our campervan bed was the size of a king single, so quite squeezy for 2 adults. Other times we have had large beds that were full of animals (amazing how cats and dogs love to spread themselves out at the foot of the bed, or even higher up if they can get away with it). I have enjoyed comfortable King size beds with top quality linen and nice soft full pillows and I have slept on small hard matresses with stained scratchy sheets and flat floppy pillows, and everything in between. Admittedly the level of comfort still determines the quality of your sleep I feel, but there is always acceptance and appreciation for having a bed to sleep in at all! While travelling in the campervan we were able to use our own pillows, but since selling the van we don’t have any. That is a large component of being able to Travel Lightly now, not having to carry around our own Manchester items. So we are at the mercy of the home-owners tastes and choices when we house sit, which also extends beyond the bed and linen, as you will see from the picture below. This was another strange bed(room)fellow which I awoke to each morning, staring me in the face was this large plastic fish, which I managed to hit my head on every time I got in and out of bed as there was no easy way around it. We can’t dismantle other people’s houses to suit ourselves so we have learnt to live with it, knowing it’s all temporary. So what do you miss most when you are away from home?
Which home comforts are you attached to? I would love to read your responses, so please feel free to comment on the website or our Facebook page. Until next time Travel Lightly To have these blogs delivered direct hot off the press, add your email and name to the entry form top right.
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